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Immigration Testing is Easy Using DNA

Uniting families for citizenship and more ...

Immigration testing has become simpler, faster and more accurate today thanks to DNA testing. It is relatively easy to determine if the person applying for citizenship based on family ties by using a legal immigration test. It comes down to a simple question, can you prove that you are related to someone who is currently a citizen of that country?

It is not uncommon that a parent would come to the United States and work for many years sending money home to take care of the children and family members.

When that person has become a citizen there are various programs and options to apply for citizenship for your son, daughter, mother and father. Do not expect someone to merely take your word that this is my child or this is my parent. Sometimes people do not tell truth about who's related to them.

Making false statements about family relations during applications for citizenship could lead to trouble for immigration fraud. The good news is that DNA testing can help you prove your family relationship to the government agency, state or other party. The DNA testing used for immigration may also consist of legal maternity testing and legal paternity testing. This means full chain of custody documentation, DNA sample collection by the government, photograph, fingerprinting and other required documentation is necessary.

Generally, immigration cases can take a long time depending on many factors. Some of these factors include the waiting list in the country where your children or relatives currently live. It takes patience and diligence to insure accurate paperwork is completed by the deadlines imposed by the various government agencies and or courts.

The reward from successful immigration testing is proving your family relationship and getting approval to bring your family member to your country.

Thanks to the improvements of technology we do not require blood samples, anymore. The DNA samples used for DNA testing can be easily obtained with a sterile cheek swab. For more information about our immigration testing services at www.911 DNATest.com


DNA Tests, DNA Testing, DNA Paternity, Paternity Testing, Paternity DNA Test, Home Paternity Tests, Legal DNA Paternity Tests, DNA Maternity Testing 

◊ DNA Tests
◊ DNA Testing
◊ Paternity Testing
◊ Legal Paternity Test
◊ Private Paternity Test
◊ Home Maternity Test
◊ Legal Maternity Test
◊ Immigration Testing
◊ Home Paternity Tests
◊ DNA Testing Ordering Process
◊ DNA Testing Accreditations
◊ DNA Testing Resources
◊ DNA Testing Testimonials
◊ DNA Testing Customer Service
◊ DNA Testing Learning Center
◦  DNA Paternity Tests
◦  DNA Paternity Test Cost
◊ DNA Testing Legal Notifications


DNA Testing

I wanted to thank you for helping me and my child. With your help, I was able to prove that my late boyfriend was my child's father. My child is the sole heir of his estate and will be well provided for. And I now have a great relationship with my child's grandmother. -- No longer frazzled mother

Thank you for your expert services to my attorney. I no longer have to pay any child support. The legal paternity testing proved that 2 of 3 kids from my ex-wife were not mine. – Associate Pastor

** Results may vary, 4TRUTH IDENTITY cannot guarantee  the same results for all of our clients.


 DNA Tests and Paternity Testing