DNA Tests - DNA Testing Has Many Uses
4Truth Identity's DNA Center (4TDC) is a DNA testing service company providing a wide range of DNA
maternity, paternity, immigration, sibling, family connection and forensic DNA testing services.
DNA Paternity Test
A DNA paternity test resolves whether a tested man or teen boy is the biological father of a tested
child. |
Immigration DNA
4TDC provides AABB-accredited DNA testing for immigration purposes. We
provide testing for clients in over 168 countries worldwide, following the specific requirements
set by the government agencies in each country. |
Adoption DNA
4TDC offers DNA testing services for people involved in adoption. We have specialized services for
clients who are going through domestic or international adoptions, are seeking to locate and
reunite with biological family members, or are facilitating parental relinquishment and peace of
mind. |
Forensic Services
Our forensic DNA services include STR, Y-STR, mtDNA and forensic paternity testing. We provide case
review and consulting services for defense attorneys. |
DNA Maternity
A DNA maternity test determines whether a tested woman or teen girl is the biological mother of a
tested child. |
DNA Grandparentage Test
DNA grandparentage test, performed in the absence of an alleged father, determines the relationship
between a child and the parents of the alleged father. |
Genetic Reconstruction
A genetic reconstruction is performed to determine the biological relationship of a child to the
alleged father’s close relatives. |
DNA Siblingship Test
A siblingship test determines whether two people or two children have one or both parents in
common. Typical results are the tested parties are half siblings, full siblings, related but not
siblings or not related. |
Twin Zygosity Test
A twin zygosity test determines whether the twins are fraternal or identical. Identical twins come
from the same fertilized egg (same parents) while Fraternal twins come from different fertilized
eggs. It is possible for fraternal twins to have one or both parents in common. |
Y-STR Paternal Lineage
A Y-STR paternal lineage test determines whether two or more males are related through a paternal
line. |
mtDNA Maternal Lineage
A mitochondrial DNA maternal linage test determines whether two or more individuals are related
through a maternal line. |
DNA Profiling
A DNA profile is an individual’s genetic fingerprint, used for personal security such as in the
case of identifying a missing child or future inheritance claims. |
DNA Banking
An individual’s DNA can be stored in a secure environment so that it is available for a future DNA
test if needed. |
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